Enable 3D desktop cube without crashing Unity in Ubuntu 11.04
Install compiz setting manager through terminal or synaptic manager. In terminal paste the command .
sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager.
Steps: (Note: each step must be followed sequentially and you will get the desktop cube as shown in the screenshot)
1.In compiz setting manager disable these plugin:
i) OpenGLsudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager.
Steps: (Note: each step must be followed sequentially and you will get the desktop cube as shown in the screenshot)
1.In compiz setting manager disable these plugin:
ii) Composite
iii) Ubuntu unity plugin
iv) Desktop wall.
Select disable plugins when a window appears asking for disabling other plugins.
After disabling these plugins your panels and unity will disappear,don't panic and follow next step.
2. Now enable these plugins sequentially.
iii)Desktop cube
iv)Rotate cube
v)Ubuntu unity plugin.
Some conflicts may occur.Conflicts occur when same buttons are assigned to two or more actions.
After all these steps you screen may response abnormally.Don't worry restart your machine and follow next steps.
3.Here start the actual work.
3.Goto Desktop cube->Transparent Cube and set Opacity during rotation to 75 or as per your convenience.
4.Goto Cube Reflection and Deformation -> Deformation. set Deformation to none. You can change the image appearing at top and bottom of cube in Cube Caps tab.
5.Goto Rotate Cube->Bindings->Rotate cube.See if binding is default set to
<control><Alt>Left and <control><Alt>Right or change it as your desire.
And Hurray Rotate your Desktop .To rotate desktop using mouse select Left mouse button<control><Alt>and move your cursor to get the effects.
Things to remember
1) Do not minimize the compiz manager at any point during all the steps.
2) Do not perform any other action during the process.
There may be the possibilities that after enabling the desktop cube with Unity maximize and minimize button disappear or you are unable to move your window. To get back all these function, in the compiz manger select the option "Move Window" and " Window Decoration".
There may be the chance that something may get wrong and things go out of hand.
To undo all the changes. Open the terminal, in-case the top bar and Unity are disappeared ,then open the terminal with shortcut
ctrl+alt+t. Then type
1) metacity --replace
2) unity --replace or unity --reset
Unity bar will appear again.
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